Embedded video for Managing the Basho Data Platform with the Cloudsoft UX: Alex Heneveld & Mike Zaccardo, Cloudsoft Managing the Basho Data Platform with the Cloudsoft UX: Alex Heneveld & Mike Zaccardo, Cloudsoft Alex Heneveld,Mike Zaccardo,Cuyler Jones @ RICON 2015 RICONDistributed System 心得分享 分享你的心得與摘要,幫助其他人學習! Advertisement 更多 RICON 2015 研討會影片 Dynamiq - An implementation of a fa... RICON 2015 Sean Kelly Basho Data Platform Panel: Heather... RICON 2015 Heather McKelvey, Matt Digan, Cuyler Jones, James Gorlick Bringing Together the Core Fundamen... RICON 2015 Kevin Jones From PostgreSQL to Riak, a success... RICON 2015 Johan Sommerfeld iThome 研討會 即日起至2025.2.5 截止 2025 iThome 臺灣雲端大會 徵稿起跑! 3/7 (五) 09:00 ~ 16:30 2025 數位永續高峰會 即日起~01/08 數位轉型攻略 VII : GenAI 加速企業創新落地,更需要全新 IT 戰略