Embedded video for Red Hat: Leveraging CI/CD to Improve OpenStack Operations Red Hat: Leveraging CI/CD to Improve OpenStack Operations Dan Sheppard, Maria Bracho @ OpenStack Summit Barcelona 2016 CloudOpenStack 心得分享 分享你的心得與摘要,幫助其他人學習! Advertisement 更多 OpenStack Summit Barcelona 2016 研討會影片 OpenStack for the Work that Matters OpenStack Summit Barcelona 2016 Mark Collier Big Data at Banco Santander OpenStack Summit Barcelona 2016 Luis Enríquez, Juan Antonio de la Fuente Why Sky UK Runs on OpenStack OpenStack Summit Barcelona 2016 Matt Smith Clustered File Systems in Your Appl... OpenStack Summit Barcelona 2016 Andrew Boag iThome 研討會 3/25 (二) 14:00~15:50 AI 引領製造升級:技術解析與案例分享 即日起~03/28 數位轉型攻略 VII : GenAI 加速企業創新落地,更需要全新 IT 戰略 6/5 (四) ~ 6/6(五) DevOpsDays Taipei 2025早鳥票全力開賣,限時優惠只到3/31!