Embedded video for The Motivation for a Monolithic Codebase: Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Single Repository The Motivation for a Monolithic Codebase: Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Single Repository @ @Scale 2015 心得分享 分享你的心得與摘要,幫助其他人學習! Advertisement 更多 @Scale 2015 研討會影片 Jay Parikh - Keynote @Scale 2015 Jay Parikh Scaling Flexibility - Panel @Scale 2015 Cade Metz,Sam Schillace,Kevin Scott,Jamshid Mahdavi Data Analytics Airbnb Scaling and S... @Scale 2015 Paul Yang Data Analytics Microsoft Experience... @Scale 2015 Arun Jayandra iThome 研討會 3/7 (五) 09:00 ~ 16:30 2025 數位永續高峰會 3/25 (二) 14:00~15:50 AI 引領製造升級:技術解析與案例分享 6/5 (四) ~ 6/6(五) DevOpsDays Taipei 2025早鳥票全力開賣,限時優惠只到3/31!